Sunday, November 15, 2015

Movie: Stop the Pounding Heart (2015)

I am not a filmmaker nor a film school student. I say this because I think that this is one of those films this is made by a filmmaker who makes films that other filmmakers will enjoy. I watched it, but I didn't enjoy it.

I would not describe what happens in Stop the Pounding Heart as a story, but for the purpose of this post, I'll just call it that. The "story" in this movie is that of a teenage girl living with her very religious family on a goat farm in rural Texas. There's also a sub "story" of a teenage boy who lives nearby, who is practicing to be a bull rider. Supposedly, the girl was into the boy, but it would have been a stretch for me to get that out of the film if I hadn't have read the box description.

I gave this two stars ** because I could, at least, tolerate watching the whole thing through, but I'll be damned if I ever watch it again. This would have made a better short film, in fact, just watch the trailer. 
So, that music you hear in the trailer? It is the only music in the whole film and it plays for approximately 40 seconds out of a 100 minute movie. And that cross burning? Yeah. There's no explanation for that. Just a cross burning. Click HERE to watch the whole scene.  I will say that I wish that more super-religious people were as rational as the mom character.

I checked this DVD out from the library.

1 comment:

  1. I started laughing as soon as that trailer started. "Handheld cow milking scene to open the trailer? independent film." It looks miserable.


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