Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Movie: Palindromes (2004)

I first watched this movie at least 15 to 20 years ago. I suspect I watched it on Palm Pictures channel, which is where I caught a lot of obscure and weird movies at the time. I enjoyed it’s oddness and quirkiness. I enjoyed the fact that the same character is played by a collection of actors. Aviva, a girl, you never know how old she is, decides she wants a child/children because she always wants to have someone to love and she thinks a baby is the way to go. So, when she gets a little older, she goes about trying to getting pregnant, runs away, and in the process encounters people in different extremes of functional-disfunction. Re-Watching this today, in this post Roe v. Wade world, with so many battles over the right to an abortion, how social media has affected the mental health of teens, the ultra conservative movement’s success, Palindromes is perfectly appropriate for 2023. Seeing Aviva played by six different girls, different ages, races and sizes, is so affective and disturbing.
“People always end up the way they started out. No one ever changes. They think they do, but they don’t.” -Mark, not a pedophile.

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