Saturday, October 31, 2015

Filler: Week of October 25, 2015

It's been a while since I've posted in comparison to the amount of screen time I've consumed.
Masterpiece Theatre is pumping out some good stuff. I'm part of the way through Indian Summers and Home Fires, both good so far. And I'm surprised to say it, but The Great British Baking Show has official got its hooks into me. It's my guilty pleasure, kind of, but I don't know why. I don't feel naughty when I watch Martha Stewart Bakes or any other cooking show for that matter. Hmph. Oh well.
I ran a new scan on my TV and picked up a couple of new free digital channels, notably the Heroes Network for crime drama lovers like myself. I've also been enjoying Ion's mini-marathons of Criminal Minds and Blue Bloods.
And wouldn't you know, there's a telenovela about Celia Cruz! I can watch it online with captions! Yay!
Back to the screen...

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